Friday, February 26, 2010

Eight Months Later...

Eight months ago today Trey arrived and changed our lives forever, obviously.  Most things were all for the better- I admit I wish he slept in til 10am like I would like to :)  Other than that though, he has been the best thing I've ever done.  As I watch this little munchkin roll his way across the floor in front of me (yep, rolling, not crawling) I am so amazed at how quickly the last few months have gone.  They certainly didn't go that fast when he was inside!  I love watching him discover new things.  He is just like his daddy and loves anything electronic- ipods, phones, cameras, wires, cords, speakers, remotes... you name it, he has probably gotten into it and most likely covered it in drool.  I can hardly believe this little person is on the "little boy" end of life now- he's closer to being a one year old than to being a "baby" anymore :(  It makes me sad to think that part of his life is getting closer to the end, but I am so excited watching him grow and learn.  I love you little 8 month old...
Ha, ha Ripley, that tickles!

Just out taking a walk in the snow with mommy and Ripley...

I'm such a big boy I help pick out my own clothes :)

Just look at that Buddha belly

And, that is what 8 months does... 

1 comment:

Carley Hwang said...

Love the picture of Trey and Sam together! Trey doesn't even look real! 8 months? Really? I love him!!!