Friday, February 26, 2010
Eight Months Later...
Eight months ago today Trey arrived and changed our lives forever, obviously. Most things were all for the better- I admit I wish he slept in til 10am like I would like to :) Other than that though, he has been the best thing I've ever done. As I watch this little munchkin roll his way across the floor in front of me (yep, rolling, not crawling) I am so amazed at how quickly the last few months have gone. They certainly didn't go that fast when he was inside! I love watching him discover new things. He is just like his daddy and loves anything electronic- ipods, phones, cameras, wires, cords, speakers, remotes... you name it, he has probably gotten into it and most likely covered it in drool. I can hardly believe this little person is on the "little boy" end of life now- he's closer to being a one year old than to being a "baby" anymore :( It makes me sad to think that part of his life is getting closer to the end, but I am so excited watching him grow and learn. I love you little 8 month old...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
HE Finally Arrived...
Our newest little nephew, Samuel Stephen Hwang, was FINALLY born yesterday, February 17, at 4:05 am. He was five days overdue, which was REALLY driving Carley crazy (and the rest of us, but mostly her) so when the phone rang at 7:30 am I knew it had to be baby time! As with the rest of her kids Carley didn't know who was going to be coming out, so we were pretty interested to see who it was going to be. We weren't allowed to know what "it" was until we got to the hospital, and low and behold (and much to my surprise) there was a little blue hat in the bassinet! We are so excited to have another little boy. He and Trey are only 7 1/2 months apart, which is going to be very fun and very interesting in the next couple years... Carley and I both think with Jake, Trey and Sam we are going to have our hands full! Steve was also very excited and surprised that his middle name was Stephen, also very happy and flattered, maybe? Mom, Dad, Claudia and Jake are all doing well. The kids are super excited. Jake is definitely going to have some adjustments to make, but I think soon enough is going to LOVE his little brother. And, I know Claudia is going to be very helpful. She is great with Trey and LOVES reading books to the babies. Here's a couple pics of our ever growing extended family!

Little Samuel Stephen- He's such a cutie pie and looks like his big brother, Jake.
It's AMAZING what just 7 short months will do- hard to believe Trey was even a whole pound smaller than Sam!
Meghan and Sam :)
R. Stephen and S. Stephen
9 lbs 3oz, 21 inches
Oh yeah, and Carley looks absolutely fabulous and since Sam cam out so quickly (just 3 quick pushes) she didn't even have an epidural! She's amazing! :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Vote for Trey Baby...
I entered Trey in Parents magazine's photo cover contest... I don't find out until March whether or not he makes it to the finals, but he was selected to be a "weekly finalist" for the photo of the week. He needs votes though, so I am asking anyone who happens across this to click on the link and vote for Trey and if you want to tell your friends and family to do the same, please do so. :) Also, enjoy the cute pic that got selected.
Friday, February 5, 2010
This is my first attempt at trying to upload a video. Since Trey was born Steve and I take all these videos, both with our video camera and regular camera... hopefully now we will have someplace to put them :) We'll see if it works. I also figured, what better way to attempt uploading a video than with the cutest little baby laugh. Steve and I both LOVE the sound of Trey's little laugh. We continue to be amazed every day with this little person who is quickly (TOO QUICKLY for me) becoming less baby and more little boy. He is discovering so many new things all the time and it is fascinating to watch. We are working on crawling right now. He is so close and has all the right ideas, he just has a little trouble getting his chunky monkey tummy off the ground! Well, hope the video works and other people enjoy it just as much as Steve and I do!
Much later this afternoon...
Yeah, I CANNOT get the video to upload- I've been trying all day... Anyone have any hints for me? On another note, I'll add a couple of pics of Trey from recently- he's a big 7 month old boy now- just over 22 lbs!
Trey's early crawling attempts... he is just starting to realize he needs his legs underneath him as well as his arms :)
Helping DAD match socks- it's my most hated laundry task, so Steve sometimes helps.
Cutest thing ever :)
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